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TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID - Sobat Tribun Pontianak belum tahun berapa jatah Asia di Piala Dunia 2026 ?
Our aim is to provide free assistance to the patients irrespective of caste and creed, with the aim of making a person strong even If a person is physically and mentally affected by diseases like cancer, he will be fully cured if he is treated well. Rehabilitate those who are not cured by treatment & those who are left in the streets. We also provide food to orphans and poors, help financially backward patients, provide marriage financial support to needy girls and visit the sick and old age dwellers in our homes and provide care and comfort.
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Rumah impianmu akan makin cantik dengan lapisan dinding kayu yang memiliki warna khas. Elemen kayu akan memberikan karakter yang hangat dan menarik dalam desain rumah minimalis tampak depan.